Sunday, December 20, 2009

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Wednesday, December 16, 2009

How To Helpful for Affiliate Business?

The idea of being mere passengers on a ship meant to sail to the farthest points does not appeal to people who like to put their destiny into their own hands. They have the desire of maneuvering the ships themselves, of being able to be the ones to take it anywhere they want to. Being aboard a ship on its way to a particularly great destination is something each and every one of them dreams of, and the knowledge that they have the capacity to steer it themselves is what makes them actually want to. Perhaps this is the reason why more and more people are succumbing to one of the most popular businesses around affiliate marketing
. It is because in this business, there are no bosses to order the employees around. There are no deadlines to meet and no clutter of work do to. One only needs to be equipped with the tools needed to succeed in a business such as this, and he is bound to get what his heart ultimately desires. Just what are the things needed to be able to succeed in affiliate marketing? What must one have within himself to be able to do well in this industry? There is a lot of competition involved in affiliate marketing, and to be able to rise above the norm, one must be equipped with just the right stuff necessary to propel him forward you can visit
There are five things one must ultimately possess if he wants to achieve the glory he is yearning for in this business, and these five things are a must for him to possess to be able to stand out among the rest. The very first quality one must possess if he wants to try his hand in affiliate marketing is the willingness to learn and be trained. Treading through unfamiliar territory is scary stuff if one is not properly equipped, and he might get lost amidst a jungle of the unknown. Learning the tricks of the trade is also an important aspect of the game, and one's willingness to know it all will give him far better advantages in the business than he could ever imagine. The second quality one must possess is the willingness to invest time and effort even if direct results do not seem at all apparent. Although several months may pass without good news, it is important for one who has his foot in the industry to hold on and wait. It is this quality which would save him from giving up after investing a lot of him in the business. The third quality one must possess is self-determination. If one wants to conquer the affiliate marketing world, he must have the ability to push himself ahead. Never having to say die is a quality each and every affiliate marketer should possess, and the ability to motivate oneself into scaling greater heights is an ability which would actually take an affiliate marketer there you can visit
The fourth quality one must possess is discipline. If one knows how to teach himself to work everyday with all the energy he can muster, then he is close to achieving what he has set his heart to having in the first place. The fifth and last quality one must possess is optimism. Negative attitudes and hearsays should not discourage an affiliate marketer from pursuing what he has to in order to make life better for himself and for everyone concerned. Neither should anyone influence his attitude toward the business, because once in it, it is a must for him to be the captain of his ship and the master of his soul. The ingredients to success in a business such as affiliate marketing are diverse and manifold, but the most important thing one needs to be able to make it big lies in himself alone. It is he who has the capacity to do everything to be able to realize his prospects, and the desire which fuels his heart in doing so is the gasoline which should keep the engine going. Affiliate marketing is all about putting one's fate into his own hands. The right attitude is the key to being able to steer one's ship into that part of the ocean where a certain kind of serenity can be found, one that permeates the atmosphere as the ship sails calmly on.

Cara mendapatkan. EDU dan. GOV Backlinks

Langkah pertama : :

Finding .edu and .gov websites. Mencari. Edu dan. Gov website.

Most of you can find these sites by doing a simple Google search using the term .edu or .gov in the search box. Sebagian besar dari Anda dapat menemukan situs-situs tersebut dengan melakukan pencarian Google yang sederhana dengan menggunakan istilah. Edu atau. Gov di kotak pencarian. Typing in .edu and clicking search will bring back a list of 344 million sites give or take. Mengetik dalam. Edu dan mengklik pencarian akan membawa kembali daftar 344 juta situs memberikan atau mengambil. Great right... Great right ... not really as that is an awful lot of sites to sift through looking for the ones that you can get backlinks from. tidak benar-benar seperti yang banyak sekali situs untuk menyaring mencari orang-orang yang Anda bisa mendapatkan link balik dari. Short of paying the site administrator to add your link to his/her domain the only way you can get backlinks from these domains is to find the ones that have blogs and then you need to find the blogs that allow comments. Pendek membayar administrator situs untuk menambahkan link anda ke / nya domain satu-satunya cara Anda bisa mendapatkan link balik dari domain ini adalah untuk menemukan orang-orang yang memiliki blog dan kemudian Anda perlu menemukan blog yang mengijinkan komentar. Yup... Yup ... thats right, you will be spamming the comment sections of .gov and .edu blog sites. thats right, Anda akan spamming bagian komentar. gov dan. edu situs blog. If this bothers you then stop now. Jika ini mengganggu Anda kemudian berhenti sekarang.

If not then I have listed several advanced Google hacks that while not always perfect will give you what you desire; they do take you to .EDU and .GOV domains that are actually hosting blogs with visitor comment capabilities. Jika tidak maka saya telah membuat daftar beberapa lanjutan Google hacks bahwa walaupun tidak selalu sempurna akan memberikan apa yang Anda inginkan; mereka lakukan membawa Anda ke. EDU dan. GOV domain yang benar-benar hosting blog dengan kemampuan komentar pengunjung.

Be aware that there are numerous syntax variations for search queries capable of finding these blogs. Menyadari bahwa ada banyak variasi sintaks pada permintaan pencarian yang mampu menemukan blog ini. There are 2 different search methods that I use for this task. Ada 2 metode pencarian yang berbeda yang saya gunakan untuk tugas ini. Listed below are a few of the queries I find most efficient… grouped according to the search method used. Tercantum di bawah ini adalah beberapa query yang saya temukan paling efisien ... dikelompokkan sesuai dengan metode pencarian yang digunakan.

Find .EDU and .GOV backlinks based on the typical URL structure of the most popular blog management software (ie Wordpress): Cari. EDU dan. GOV link balik berdasarkan struktur URL yang khas yang paling populer blog perangkat lunak manajemen (yaitu Wordpress):

The following queries target .EDU and .GOV domains hosting the main wordpress login file “wp-login.php” or the Wordpress admin path “/wp-admin/”. Pertanyaan berikut sasaran. EDU dan. GOV hosting domain wordpress login utama file "wp-login.php" atau admin Wordpress path "/ wp-admin /". This simply means that the domain hosts a blog. Ini berarti bahwa domain host a blog. These queries will take you to the Wordpress login page - don't panic as you just simply click the link that points back to the blog's homepage - you don't have to login to post comments. Pertanyaan ini akan membawa Anda ke halaman login Wordpress - jangan panik ketika Anda hanya cukup klik link yang menunjuk kembali ke blog's homepage - Anda tidak perlu login untuk mengirim komentar. (some sites will make you login - skip them and search for those that don't) (beberapa situs akan membuat Anda login - melewatkan mereka dan mencari orang-orang yang tidak)

* inurl:wp-login.php +blog * Site:. Edu inurl: wp-login.php + blog
* inurl:wp-login.php +blog * Site:. Gov inurl: wp-login.php + blog
* inurl:”wp-admin” +login * Site:. Edu inurl: "wp-admin" + login

Just cut and paste any of these 3 queries into your Google search box and see what you get. Hanya memotong dan menyisipkan salah satu dari 3 queries ke dalam kotak pencarian Google dan lihat apa yang Anda dapatkan.

Search for .EDU and .GOV backlinks based on textual keyword combinations that are typically found on blogs: Search for. EDU dan. GOV link balik berdasarkan kombinasi kata kunci tekstual yang biasanya ditemukan di blog:

These 3 Google search queries take you directly to the main blog pages by searching for .EDU and .GOV domains containing the keyword terms “no comments” and “blogroll” which are keywords commonly found on blogs. Ini 3 dicari di Google, membawa Anda langsung ke halaman blog utama dengan mencari. EDU dan. GOV domain yang berisi istilah kata kunci "no comments" dan "blogroll" adalah kata kunci yang umum ditemukan di blog. You can always mess around with different sets of the keywords for additional search results. Anda dapat selalu dipusingkan dengan berbagai cara set kata kunci untuk hasil pencarian tambahan. The "keywords" are enclosed with the (") quotation symbol. The "kata kunci" diapit dengan ( ") kutipan simbol.

* “no comments” +blogroll -”posting closed” -”you must be logged in” -”comments are closed” * Site:. Edu "tidak ada komentar" + blogroll - "posting tertutup" - "Anda harus masuk log" - "komentar ditutup"
* “no comments” +blogroll -”posting closed” -”you must be logged in” -”comments are closed” * Site:. Gov "tidak ada komentar" + blogroll - "posting tertutup" - "Anda harus masuk log" - "komentar ditutup"
* inurl:(edu|gov) “no comments” +blogroll -”posting closed” -”you must be logged in” -”comments are closed” * Inurl: (edu | gov) "no comments" + blogroll - "posting tertutup" - "Anda harus masuk log" - "komentar ditutup"

Again, just cut and paste each query into your Google search box. Sekali lagi, hanya dipotong dan paste setiap query ke dalam kotak pencarian Google Anda.

Here is one more method of querying Google but it does limit the results by requiring the URL to contain the term "blog". Berikut adalah salah satu metode lebih query Google, namun itu tidak membatasi hasil dengan mengharuskan URL mengandung istilah "blog". It does have an advantage though in that it allows you to filter your searches by using the trailing "keyword" in the query. Itu memiliki keuntungan meskipun dalam yang memungkinkan Anda untuk menyaring pencarian Anda dengan menggunakan akhiran "kata kunci" dalam pencarian. For example you can put a date like "2007" in the trailing "keyword" location and this will eliminate older inactive blogs from being listed in the SERP's. Sebagai contoh, Anda dapat menempatkan sebuah tanggal seperti "2007" dalam mengikuti "kata kunci" lokasi dan ini akan menghilangkan blog yang tidak aktif lebih tua dari yang tercantum dalam SERP's. You can use this trailing keyword for specifying "country" or "city" or "university" etc. Basically you can narrow your searches however you like. Anda dapat menggunakan akhiran ini untuk menentukan kata kunci "negara" atau "kota" atau "universitas" dll Pada dasarnya Anda dapat mempersempit pencarian Anda pun yang Anda suka. inurl:blog “comment” -”you must be logged in” -”posting closed” -”comment closed” “keyword” site:. edu inurl: blog "komentar" - "Anda harus masuk log" - "posting tertutup" - "komentar tertutup" "kata kunci"

Again just cut and paste this query into your Google search box - substitute whatever keyword you like between the trailing "keyword" quotation. Sekali lagi hanya memotong dan menyisipkan query ini ke dalam kotak pencarian Google Anda - pengganti kata kunci apa pun yang Anda suka di antara akhiran "kata kunci" kutip.

That wraps up step one - how to find appropriate EDU and GOV domains. Yang wraps up langkah satu - bagaimana menemukan yang sesuai GOV EDU dan domain.

Step Two Langkah Dua

The Work Kerja

From this point on it is trial and error as you will have to visit each of these blogs and where appropriate and when comments are accepted you then proceed to leave your words of wisdom (doesn't that sound better than saying spam them?) Dari titik ini adalah trial and error karena anda akan harus mengunjungi masing-masing blog dan di mana dan kapan sesuai komentar yang diterima Anda kemudian lanjutkan untuk meninggalkan kata-kata bijak (tidak yang terdengar lebih baik daripada berkata spam mereka?)

I am not condoning this method but I am a realist and know that many of you will try this method out. Saya tidak memaafkan metode ini tapi saya seorang realis dan tahu bahwa banyak dari Anda akan mencoba metode ini keluar. Keep this in mind; most of the "comments" are moderated so you will have to leave a relevant comment about the subject matter if you want your comment to be posted. Ingatlah ini, sebagian besar "komentar" dikelola sehingga Anda akan harus meninggalkan komentar yang relevan tentang subyek masalah jika Anda ingin komentar yang dikirim. Don't be obvious - if you use some tact you will succeed as most moderators are civilians (ie. they are not internet marketers and haven't a clue as to what backlinks are or why anyone would post a comment for arterial motives) If your comment is relevant they will be happy to accept it. Jangan jelas - jika Anda menggunakan beberapa kebijaksanaan Anda akan berhasil karena kebanyakan moderator adalah warga sipil (mis. mereka tidak internet marketer dan tidak tahu apa yang link balik atau mengapa ada orang yang mengirim komentar untuk motif arteri) Jika komentar Anda relevan mereka akan dengan senang hati menerimanya.

Your Anchor Text. Anchor Text Anda.

To post a comment you have to give your name, email address and website URL. Untuk mengirim komentar Anda harus memberikan nama, alamat email dan URL website. This is perfect as your "name" gets hypertexted and points to your website or blog (the URL that you give). Ini adalah sempurna sebagai "nama" mendapat hypertexted dan menunjuk ke situs web atau blog Anda (URL yang Anda berikan). If you use your name or any name then this becomes your anchor text and Google will index you accordingly. Jika Anda menggunakan nama Anda atau nama apapun maka ini akan menjadi teks jangkar Anda dan Google akan indeks yang sesuai. If you use the name "paul" then your backlink will point to your site and Google will rank you high in the SERP's for "Paul". Jika Anda menggunakan nama "paul" maka backlink akan mengarah ke situs Anda dan Google akan peringkat Anda tinggi di SERP's untuk "Paul".

This is not what you want. Ini bukanlah apa yang Anda inginkan. The name you use should be one of the keywords you want your site ranked for in the SERP's. Nama yang Anda gunakan harus menjadi salah satu kata kunci yang Anda inginkan untuk peringkat situs Anda di SERP's.

This can be tricky as you don't want to be to obvious, ie using "how to make money online" as your name. Hal ini bisa rumit karena Anda tidak ingin menjadi yang jelas, yaitu menggunakan "bagaimana membuat uang secara online" sebagai nama Anda. Sometimes it is better to target secondary keywords like "SEO Tips" or "backlinks" or "work at home mom" as your "name". Kadang-kadang lebih baik untuk menargetkan kata kunci sekunder seperti "Tips SEO" atau "backlink" atau "work at home mom" sebagai "nama". Ultimately you want the EDU or GOV backlink first and foremost but it should have an anchor text that will benefit you more than a regular name would. Pada akhirnya Anda ingin EDU atau backlink GOV pertama dan terutama tapi harus memiliki jangkar teks yang akan menguntungkan Anda lebih dari nama itu biasa.

Keep in mind that some "names" will automatically be flagged as spam and your comment will never reach the moderator. Perlu diketahui bahwa beberapa "nama" secara otomatis akan ditandai sebagai spam dan komentar Anda tidak akan pernah mencapai moderator. Keywords like "free" "sex" "money" etc should never be used. Kata kunci seperti "bebas" "seks" "uang" etc tidak boleh digunakan. As I have said before - black hat methods are time consuming and involve a lot of trial and error. Seperti sudah saya katakan sebelumnya - metode topi hitam memakan waktu dan melibatkan banyak trial and error. Normally you should stay clear as the rewards are usually not worth all the effort or at best are short lived. Biasanya Anda harus tetap jelas sebagai imbalan biasanya tidak layak semua usaha atau paling singkat tinggal. Getting a few optimized backlinks from EDU and GOV domains are the exception as I have found that these backlinks can propel your site to the top of the SERP's and quickly. Mendapatkan beberapa dioptimalkan backlink dari domain EDU dan GOV adalah pengecualian karena saya telah menemukan bahwa link balik ini dapat mendorong situs Anda ke bagian atas SERP dan cepat. If you try this then I caution you to take your time and find the right blogs (relevant to your keyword) and spend some time creating a comment that will get posted. Jika Anda mencoba ini maka saya peringatkan Anda untuk mengambil waktu Anda dan menemukan blog yang tepat (relevan dengan kata kunci) dan menghabiskan beberapa waktu untuk membuat sebuah komentar yang akan diposting. Don't just start spamming every blog you come across - even if successful Google will notice that you suddenly have a ton of new backlinks from all sorts of unrelated sites and most likely penalize you. Jangan hanya mulai spamming setiap blog Anda menjumpai - bahkan jika berhasil Google akan melihat bahwa Anda tiba-tiba memiliki satu ton backlink baru dari segala macam situs yang tidak terkait dan kemungkinan besar mempenalti Anda. Always remember that backlinks should appear natural - one or two EDU or GOV backlinks a week is plenty but be sure they are from relevant blogs. Selalu ingat bahwa alam akan muncul link balik - satu atau dua EDU atau GOV backlink seminggu banyak tetapi pastikan mereka berasal dari blog yang relevan.

A final note; Keep in mind that a lot of the blogs may use the no-follow attribute and Google will not pick up the backlink. Catatan terakhir; Perlu diingat bahwa banyak dari blog dapat menggunakan atribut tidak diikuti dan Google tidak akan mengambil backlink. This is too bad but Yahoo and the other search engines will. Ini terlalu jelek, tapi Yahoo dan mesin pencari lainnya akan. This can still boost your traffic considerably if you have a popular niche. Ini masih dapat meningkatkan lalu lintas Anda cukup jika Anda memiliki ceruk populer. You will also have to spend time sifting through all the crappy PR0 student blogs and whatnot in order to find some decent PR blogs. Anda juga akan menghabiskan waktu untuk memilah-milah semua mahasiswa PR0 blog jelek dan yang lainnya untuk menemukan beberapa blog PR layak. This is why black hatting can be time consuming to say the least. Inilah sebabnya mengapa pukulannya hitam dapat memakan waktu untuk sedikitnya.

The 95% Failure Factor and How To Avoid It...

If you have been looking at Internet marketing for any length of
time, surely you have heard the depressing 95% 'failure rate'
statistics for new marketers (nicknamed "newbies"). Why, one
might ask, is this happening? Most people with enough
intelligence to surf the Internet are capable of following
instructions, so there has to be a reason for so few success

The Unrealistic Expectations of "Newbies"

Most people attempting to market on the Internet for the first
time have unrealistic expectations, which are fueled by all the
'hype' they see in ads and on websites. These "newbies" initially
have no clue that they are viewing 'hype' that is simply meant to
separate them from the contents of their wallets by unscrupulous
marketers. The poor saps believe what they see in these ads, and
shell out their hard earned dollars for an unending parade of
eBooks, membership sites, and eCourses, the contents of which are
almost all available for Free on the Internet if they knew where
to research the topics! They are led, like lambs to the
slaughter, on an endless road in search of the magic formula that
will put them in the top 5% of marketers online who actually do
succeed. These "newbies" truly believe they can realistically
earn a six-figure income within 90 days as some "opportunities"

Because they believe the 'hyped' information they are seeing on
the Internet - on websites, and in Newsletters and eBooks, they
spend unnecessary money and waste far too much time digging for
that one big secret that will let them earn big bucks by setting
up one website that will pump money into their bank accounts on
autopilot! After all, isn't that what the gurus they have
constantly paid keep telling them?

Let's Be Realistic Here...

First of all, "gurus" have lists of thousand that they have built
up over several months or years. The guru develops a new
"revolutionary, secret" informational product that is then
promoted to these people who have opted-in to the mailing list.
The members on these lists, also, are probably "newbies" paying
for that bit of magic information that, once revealed, will make
them rich beyond their wildest dreams! No wonder these "gurus"
make six figures! They have the right tools (autoresponders,
squeeze pages, presell pages, bonus offers, back-end offers,
Newsletters, affiliate products, eBooks, and back links, joint
ventures and ad-tracking software to tell them which ads and
advertising resources actually work), and that makes all the

Information Overload...

Most "Newbies" waste far too much of their precious time
searching for the magic bullet that will blow away every obstacle
in the way of their six-figure goal. Basic information that they
already have is probably more than enough to get started, but
they will not earn six-figures in 90 days...that much is

The three most important factors the 95% fail to realize:

1. Never get bogged down in 'information overload'. Time spent on
gathering information on marketing should be limited to reading
only a handful of newsletters and information sent from their
opt-in lists. Too much of either is bogging a marketer down and
is a veritable waste of time. If a Newsletter or opt-in list is
only sending you an endless list of links that sell you stuff,
and give very little valuable marketing information, they should
be dropped like a hot potato. Such things are designed to do only
one thing - to separate a trusting "newbie" from his/her hard
earned cash.

2. Marketers should spend their valuable, and often limited, time
on the Internet where it will offer the most benefit. If it will
not earn you money, it probably is a waste of your time. A wise
marketer always will refrain from "program hopping" and will pick
only one or two long running, proven money making programs to

3. Take things step by step and focus on actively promoting your
chosen (one or two - not dozens at a time)programs that have
proven to endure the test of time. Choose those programs
carefully. A good program, if promoted, tested and tweaked
properly, will be successful at earning a substantial income. The
best programs are to be found in a product that is in a niche
that is popular and selling well. How does one find this
Hint: look at the product listings in the ClickBank Marketplace.
Each listing has different criteria that rank each product by
popularity, and the percentage of sales that result from
affiliate efforts, along with other information. One look at the
product title and you will be able to determine the niche that is
popular and selling well for affiliate members of ClickBank.
Knowing your target niche will help you with Adwords, and other
PPC programs. Just remember that the narrower and more focused
your targeting is, the less your clicks will cost and the more
money you will keep in your pocket.

If you follow this simple set of three steps, online success will
definitely follow. Just break all this down to three words.

1. Focus - Focus on less to achieve more
2. Time - Manage your time to ROI ratio - Use time, do not waste
3. Target - Target to the smallest niche possible and you will
keep more money in your bank account.

Keep things simple. That practice alone has worked for hundreds
of successful online marketers. Quite a few successful marketers
have practiced the above principles all the way to the bank to
deposit six-figure incomes. Are you next?

Clickbank akhirnya dibuka untuk Indonesia

Affiliate Clickbank akhirnya membuka diri untuk bangsa Indonesia menyusul Paypal yang sempat di suspend dan akhirnya buka kembali di Indonesiai sebelum akhir Tahun 2008. Ini menunjukkan tingkat kepercayaan dunia terhadap bisnis online di Indonesia sudah mulai membaik. Jadi jangan sia -sia kan kesempatan dan penghargaan ini. Clickbank adalah salah satu APP = Associate Program Provider (Situs yang banyak menyediakan Affiliasi) yang paling populer di dunia selain Amazone, Paydotcom dan ebay. Sistem Kerja Clickbank termasuk Pay Per Sale atau komisi di bayar setiap ada pembelian melalui link di website kita, atau link affiliate kita yang di promosikan lewat media promosi internet lainnya. Menjalankan bisnis Pay Per Sale tentunya bukan bisnis instant. Perlu proses dan perjuangan keras.

Clickbank sangat ditunggu - tunggu oleh para Internet Marketer Indonesia, karena Clickbank sangat profesional dalam mengelola bisnisnya. Produk - produk Clickbank adalah Digital Produk, seperti E Book, Software dll. Lebih dari 10.000 item digital produk vendor yang dipasarkan melalui Clickbank. Dan juga sudah memiliki lebih dari 100.000 jaringan member. Apakah anda ingin mendaftar Clickbank ? Kerja sama yang baik antara Clickbank, Affiliate dan Publisher/vendor sudah lebih dari 10 tahun, sehingga Clickbank memang patut menjadi pilihan oleh masyarakat dunia maya untuk lalu lintas e commers . Account kita hanya satu, bisa sekaligus berfungsi sebagai affiliate maupun publisher/vendor.

Cara mendaftar Clickbank cukup sederhana. Bergabung Gratis dengan Clickbank cukup simple dan selanjutnya bisa dipelajari Informasi dasar Clickbank dengan mengunduh E Book Clickbank for Beginner agar kita lebih mudah untuk memahaminya sebelum menjalankannya.

Sayangnya, Clickbank tidak menyediakan fasilitas pembayaran lewat Paypal, hanya lewat Cek saja. Juga tidak menyediakan banner bagi Resellernya. Jadi hanya menyediakan Link Afiliate yang bisa di generate setelah login. Link di Clickbank ini disebut Hoplink.

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P900, P908, P910, P910a, P910c, P910i, P990, P990c,P990i, S500i, S600, S700, S700c, S700i,

S710, S710a, T650i, V600i, V630i, V640i, V640iv, V800, V802, W550c, W550i, W580, W580i,

W580im, W600i, W610, W610i, W660i, W660iv, W700, W700c, W700i, W710, W710c, W710i,

W800, W800c, W800i, W810, W810a, W810c, W810i, W830i, W850i, W850iv, W880i, W880iv,

W888, W890, W890i, W900i, W908c, W910i, W950c, W950i, W960i, Z1010, Z550, Z550a, Z550c,

Z550i, Z610i, Z710, Z710c, Z710i, Z710i, Z750i, Z800, Z800c, Z800i, z750a

Samsung: A707 (Cingular SYNC), A790, A800, A880, A900, A920, A940, D428, D807, D900i, E490,

E610, E640, E720, E770, E790, E870, E880, E910, F310, I310, IP-A790, M500, M510, M610,

M620, MM-A700, MM-A900, MM-A920, P207, P260, P777, PLSM520, S341i, S400i, S410i, S500i,

S501i, S730i, SCH-A890, SCH-A970, SCH-A990, SCH-R400, SCH-R500, SCH-U420, SCH-U520,

SCH-U540, SCH-U620, SCH-U700, SCH-U740, SCH-U900, SCH-W109, SCH-i760, SGH-A517,

SGH-A717, SGH-A737, SGH-A747, SGH-D307, SGH-D410, SGH-D410C, SGH-D415, SGH-D418,

SGH-D500, SGH-D500C, SGH-D500E, SGH-D508, SGH-D510, SGH-D520, SGH-D600,

SGH-D600E, SGH-D608, SGH-D720, SGH-D730, SGH-D800, SGH-D820, SGH-D830, SGH-D840,

SGH-D900, SGH-E200, SGH-E210, SGH-E258, SGH-E380, SGH-E390, SGH-E500, SGH-E530,

SGH-E530C, SGH-E570, SGH-E570L, SGH-E576, SGH-E618, SGH-E620, SGH-E720C, SGH-E730,

SGH-E738, SGH-E740, SGH-E746, SGH-E760, SGH-E780, SGH-E830, SGH-E840, SGH-E890,

SGH-E900, SGH-E908, SGH-E950, SGH-F110, SGH-F300, SGH-F330, SGH-F700, SGH-G600,

SGH-G800, SGH-G800, SGH-I300, SGH-I320, SGH-I320N, SGH-I520, SGH-I620V, SGH-I700,

SGH-I710, SGH-I718, SGH-I750, SGH-J750, SGH-L600, SGH-L750, SGH-L760, SGH-P200,

SGH-P310, SGH-P700, SGH-P716, SGH-P730, SGH-P730C, SGH-P735, SGH-P738, SGH-P850,

SGH-P910, SGH-P920, SGH-P930, SGH-P940, SGH-U300, SGH-U600, SGH-U700, SGH-U700V,

SGH-V100, SGH-X700, SGH-Z140, SGH-Z170, SGH-Z220, SGH-Z230, SGH-Z308, SGH-Z360,

SGH-Z400, SGH-Z500V, SGH-Z560, SGH-Z600, SGH-Z620, SGH-Z630, SGH-Z630B, SGH-Z710,

SGH-Z720, SGH-ZM60, SGH-ZV10, SGH-ZV30, SGH-ZV40, SGH-ZV50, SGH-ZV60, SGH-i450v,

SGH-i520v, SGH-i550, SGH-i780, SPH-A795, SPH-A900P, SPH-M520, SPH-i550, T609, T619,

T629, T709, T809, X800, X910, Z110, Z130, Z150, Z240, Z300, Z310, Z320i, Z500, Z510, Z520,

Z540, Z560 Vodafone, Z650i, ZX20, i600

LG: 8500, AX260, AX380, AX8600, CU320, CU400, CU405, CU500, CU515, CU575, CU720,

CU915, CU920, G8000, KE500, KE590i, KE770, KE800, KE850, KE970, KG300j, KG320, KG70,

KG77, KG800 Chocolate, KG810, KG920, KS10 JOY, KU250, KU311, KU380, KU385, KU580,

KU730, KU800, KU970, KU990, L5100, L600v, ,800, LX260, LX550, LX570, M4300, M4410,

MG-810d, MG800, MG810, MG810C, MM535, MX380, MX500, MX510, P7200, S5300, TU720,

U250, U300, U310, U370, U400, U450, U8100, U8110, U8120, U8130, U8138, U8150, U8180,

U8200, U8210, U8290, U8330, U8360, U8380, U8500, U8550, U880, U890, U960, U970 (Shine),

VX-8550, VX-8800, VX-9400, VX-9900, VX7000, VX8000, VX8100, VX8500


File Template dan Templates adalah pelajaran kedua dari tutorial berseri membuat theme WordPress ini. Jika anda belum membaca Pelajaran #1, hentikan sekarang juga dan baca dahulu pelajaran pertama. Jika tidak, anda tidak akan mengerti fungsi kegunaannya di pelajaran kedua.

Sekarang kita telah melewati peraturan dan istilah-istilah, pelajaran ini akan membawa anda akrab dengan file-file template, template, dan struktur masing-masing halaman.

Satu hal penting yang harus diingat adalah bahwa tiap halaman dari blog anda dibuat oleh banyak file template. Di bawah ini adalah sebuah contoh dari halaman depan.

Pada contoh di atas, halaman depan anda dibuat dari empat file: header, index, sidebar, and footer.

File Header Template:

Judul blog anda dan deskripsi ada di file ini. Biasanya selalu ada pada tiap-tiap halaman seluruh blog.

File Index Template:
File ini berisi judul postingan, isi (teks dan gambar dari masing-masing entri), dan post meta data (informasi tentang masing-masing post seperti: pengarang, kapan dipublish, termasuk kategori mana, dan banyaknya komentar).

File Sidebar Template:
Ini mengontrol daftar link Page, daftar link kategori, daftar link arsip, daftar tautan, dst (Sidebar tidak harus berada di sisi kanan dari layout. Contoh yang saya gunakan merupakan tipikal blog layout dua kolom.)

File Footer Template :

Seperti file header.php template, footer biasanya tidak berubah dari halaman ke halaman. Anda bisa menaruh apapun di file ini, tapi biasanya informasi copyright anda.

Sekarang saya menjelaskan mengapa index.php berwarna merah, dalam contoh di bawah ini. Index.php yang berwarna merah menunjukkan bahwa area tersebut akan berubah, tergantung dari halaman yang anda buka.

Jika anda berada di halaman single post, halaman anda akan terdiri dari empat file template: header, single, sidebar, dan footer.


Pengenalan adalah pelajaran pertama dari tutorial berseri ini tentang membuat theme WordPress. Saya tidak akan mengajari anda semuanya sekaligus. Hal itu akan membosankan anda. Apa yang akan saya tunjukan pada anda bukanlah sebuah referensi. Itu berarti untuk mengajarkan anda langkah demi langkah, level demi level. Jika anda ingin sebuah referensi segalanya tentang WordPress themes, bacalah dokumentasi, Desain dan Layout. Sebaliknya, belajarlah dari pelajaran saya ini.

Pelajaran ini meliputi:

* Peraturan Dasar
* Bahasa / Terminologi
* Hirarki

Peraturan dasar:

* Peraturan #1: Tutup segalanya yang anda buka.

Pada cara yang salah untuk menutup, menutup tag ul berada di luar urutan.Semua tag berada di dalam karakter < dan >, dan diakhiri oleh perintah yang sama akan tetapi diawali oleh karakter slash, /, yang menandakan tag tersebut merupakan tag pembuka atau tag penutup. <> untuk membuka. untuk menutup. Pada contoh di atas, saya menggunakan tag ul (unordered list) dan li (list item). Perhatikan bagaimana pembuka dan penutup tag li berada di dalam pembuka dan penutup tag ul. Hal itu disebut persarangan.
* Peraturan #2: Setiap theme mempunyai minimal dua file – style.css dan index.php. Theme semuanya berada dengan index.php dan penampilan terlihat dengan style.
Di bawah ini daftar file yang biasanya berada pada setiap theme:
o style.css
o index.php
o home.php
o single.php
o page.php
o archive.php
o category.php
o search.php
o 404.php
o comments.php
o comments-popup.php
o author.php
o date.php


* Template – Sebuah kumpulan kode yang mana anda dapat dalam banyak tempat tanpaharus menulis kode yang sama lagi dan lagi.
* Template file – Sebuah file yang berisi satu atau kumpulan kode (template). Setiap halaman dibuat dari banyak file template. Contoh: index.php, style.css, sidebar.php, dst.
* Theme atau WordPress theme – Semua file anda gunakan: teks, gambar, kode, dst. Catatan: theme WordPres dan template WordPress adalah dua hal yang berbeda.walaupun beberapa orang mengatakan mereka itu sama.
* Post – Saat ini, anda sedang membaca sebuah postyou are reading a post. Selanjutnya, secara mudahnya adalah sebuah entri dari blog anda. Contoh, satu halaman dari sebuah catatan harian.
* Page – Sebuah tipe dari post yang tidak diorganisir dalam kategori. Dia terpisah dari post anda. Catatan: Dalam WordPress, page dan Page adalah dua hal yang berbeda. Meskipun anda menggunakan huruf besar “P” membuat perbedaan yang sangat besar.


Diagram di bawah dapat menggambarkan secara singkat kepada anda sistem dari WordPress, dalam kasus satu dari file theme anda hilang. Saya membuat daftar hanya enam file, meskipun lebih dari tigabelas pada diagram ini karena anda harus fokus pada enam file terlebih dahulu.Lebih jauh dari tutor berseri ini, anda akan mempelajari tentang sisa dari file tersebut.

Saya telah menaruh tingkatan dari kepentingan masing-masing file sesuai dengan posisinya. Atas, kiri yang paling penting. Bawah kanan tidak terlalu penting.

Hirarki atau tingkat kepentingan dari file template karena jika file archive.php. yang menangani archive page, jika hilang, WordPress akan merujuk ke index.php untuk mengontrol bagaimana archive page terlihat.

Jika template file single.php hilang, yang mana file template terlihat untuk menampilkan sebuah tampilan single post? Itu akan mencari index.php.

Jika anda mempunyai sebuah pertanyaan, silakan bertanya dengan bebas. Mohon lakukan di kolom komentar, daripada mengirim email ke saya. Hal itu agar orang lain yang mencari jawaban yang sama tidak mengulangi pertanyaan yang sama.

Ikuti Tutorial Berseri tentang WordPress Theme ini dari awal.

Filed under Tutorial, WordPress Theme, Wordpress
10 Responses to “WP Themes tutorial #1: Pengenalan”

Ayo buat themes wordpress sendiri! : Mochammad Kurniawan says:
1 January 2008 at 11:29 am

[...] #1 Perkenalan#2 File-file template dan template#3 Memulai Index.php#4 Template Header#4b Template Header Lanjutan#5 Perulangan#5b Isi#5c Postmetadata#5d Else, Post ID, Link Judul#5e Posts Link Navigasi#6 Sidebar (dan Categories)#6b Daftar Link Page(wp_list_pages)#6c Get Archives dan Tautan#6d Search Form dan Kalender#6e Membuat widget Sidebar#7 Footer#8 Bagaimana memvalidasi#9 Style.css dan Perkenalan CSS#10 hex Codes dan Styling Links#11 Lebar dan Floats#12 Post Formatting and Macam-macam#13 Styling Sidebar#14 Footer dan Membagi Index#15 File Sub-template#16 Template Komentar addthis_url = ‘’; addthis_title = ‘Ayo+buat+themes+wordpress+sendiri%21′; addthis_pub = ”; Related PostsForm Komentar pada Page WordpressGonta-ganti theme wordpressWordpress berbahasa IndonesiaPopularity: 1% [?] convert this post to pdf. « Wordpress berbahasa Indonesia WP Themes tutorial #1: Pengenalan » [...]

Sub Domain Gratis

Layanan subdomain unik Cahbag.Us adalah sebuah layanan untuk mengubah domain menjadi Unik karena menjadikan blog anda mudah di ingat dan rangkaian kata dalam nama domainnya mengandung arti yang cukup familier. artinya “Cah bagus= Bocah bagus” bocah yang bagus. Kalau sekarang masih sedikit yang menggunakan, makanya buruan daftar.
Cara Mendaftar Dan mendapatkan subdomain

Cara mendaftar dan mendapatkan subdomain unik dan keren cukup simpel dan mudah, tidak pakai persyaratan apa-apa, Caranya pun banyak, yaitu :

1. Lewat Halaman Daftar ! (cantumkan nama subdomain yang di inginkan di kolom message)
2. Lewat Forum pada Thread Support (anda harus register dulu untuk bisa pesan di forum)
3. Lewat YM! Costumer Service ( kalau pas lagi OL)
4. Lewat Agen dan perwakilan resmi : Jawa Tengah : ; Jakarta/Jawa Barat :
5. Lewat Kantor Pusat FBG Cara Setting Blogspot Ke
Klik disini untuk Setting Blogspot Ke

Cara Menegetahui Fake PR

Dari artikel sebelumnya, ternyata ada cara mendapatkan pagerank dengan mudah sesuai yang kita inginkan. Tetapi tentu saja pagerank tersebut bukan murni pagerank dari blog atau website yang bersangkutan. Bisa saja itu pagerank blog orang lain yang terlihat sebagai pagerank blog tersebut. Itulah yang disebut fake pagerank. Bagaimana cara untuk mengetahui bahwa pagerank halaman tersebut bukan Fake Pagerank?

Ada cara mudah mengetahuinya. Salah satunya tentu saja melalui mesin pencari yang mengeluarkan sistem rangking halaman web tersebut, yaitu google. Buka search engine google. Kemudian ketikkan di keyword pencarian kemudian klik cari. Lihat di hasil pencarian, bila yang muncul adalah link ke halaman web lain, maka berarti itu adalah Fake Pagerank. Bila yang muncul adalah blog itu berarti memang pagerank asli.

Contoh fake pagerank : Klik Disini
Contoh yang pagerank asli : Klik Disini

Bandingkan antara keyword di pencarian dan hasilnya.

Why to Choose a Proficient Professional Company Formation Agent in UK?

The process of incorporating a business is called business formation or company registration in UK. Due to this process a company or a business firm gets legal existence in the market. This legal existence of the business named as Corporation. Incorporation is abbreviated as Inc. and company is abbreviated as Co.

Forming a limited liability company (Ltd.) is a complex and lengthy procedure. Due to the involvement and professional company formation agents these days business incorporation has become easy in UK and Worldwide. In order to understand the importance of company formation agents one have to know about the benefits of incorporating a company.

An incorporated or limited liability company (Ltd.) enjoys certain facilities form the government that corporations do not enjoy.

Some of the facilities enjoyed by limited liability company are,

1. It never looses the power of shareholders.
2. No need to hold an annual shareholders meeting.
3. It can pass-through taxation and easily avoid double taxation.
4. Minimum paperwork involved after incorporation.
5. All members are protected from company debts and liabilities.
6. An organization can expand its requirements quickly whenever needed.

All the above facilities can properly be carried out with the help of a single company formation agent.

Though incorporating a company is relatively a simple process, the rules and regulations involved within make it complex for an ordinary individual. Due to this reason professional company formation agents are very helpful. Starting from filling up relevant forms, they do almost all the paper works and legal requirements needed for incorporating an organization.

Company formation agents are professionally trained and authorized to provide business registration information, advice and services. They will guide in the whole process of various legal issues involvedincorporating a business , complete all the required documents and enable to file the documentation with the appropriate regulatory agency on your behalf.

Company formation agents help the new companies by registering their business and the appropriate addresses and make them trust worthy. Their Business start-up services will help to fill and preparation of required documents and supervise the registration process from beginning to end. This reduces the workload, save valuable time and makes the entire process of business formation in UK smooth and hassle-free.

Professional company formation agents have years of experience behind them, which help them for incorporating a business in less time with maximum accuracy. They can incorporate an organization with a minimum number of members and businessmen those who want to regulate and manage their companies remotely. Acompany formation agent can arrange a company secretary, nominee directors and shareholders according to the law of company formation by leaving the company in full control of the Owner. Businessmen those wish to maintain their secrecy can also use the services of company formation agents to incorporate their organizations.

Another important advantage of using company formation agent is an organization can incorporate itself without directly dealing with accounts, lawyers and other officials procedures involve with incorporation process.

Smaller companies are more benefited as they have very less manpower to complete the company registration process. A single person can incorporate his business initially as the company formation agents can take care of the entire process with minimum effort form owner of the company.

As discussed earlier incorporation was very simple procedure but now a days the strict legal procedures has made it time taking, complex and procedural. Not only have the smaller companies even larger organizations prefer to hire acompany formation agent to avoid these complications.

Company formation agents will continue to guide you even after the incorporation of your business. They can also help you with the legal requirements about the running of your business and filing of legal reports to the government.

As per the requirements of the organizations, business owners search professional company formation agents online. Visit Lincroft Associates Limited ( for more information on company formation and other accounting services.

Why to setup a limited company

In the Uk the formation of a limited company turns a company in to a corporation, which is a separate legal entity distinct from shareholders. So a limited company is separate from the personal assets of the shareholders or owners of the company, where as the partners and sole traders are liable for all business debts.

How to form a limited company?

You can form a limited company easily with all these following steps:

• Check the availability of your company name
• Download form 10 and form 12 from the website of company house
• After down loading the forms, take a print out and put the signature of directors and company secretary
• Memorandum of association should include the company name, type of business and location of the company
• Articles of association contain power of directors and rights of share holders
• Prepare the memorandum and articles to submit in your state LLC office
• With a Cheque of £20 Post Form 10, Form 12, memorandum and articles to companies house.

The private company formation agents or professionals prepare the above documents.

Why to form a limited company?
A limited liability company is a legal separate entity where liabilities of the owners are limited. A limited liability company is often regarded as LLC. In United Kingdom it is referred as limited or ltd. The businesses choose to become LLC because of limitation of liabilities because the owners bear the much less responsibilities for debt issues that the business may undergo in near future. A private company may be limited by shares or guarantee. Few of the benefits are mentioned as follows

• It provides risk avoidance or personal liability protection for members
• No need to maintain the meet the business formalities to maintain the business status
• You can appoint Nominee Company officers and shareholders.
• Raising loans can be much easier for business
• More credibility in the market
• Pass through taxation is the most vital benefit of Limited Liability Company

Government fights miners compensation claims

It is estimated that the Government has spent over £5million in legal fees fighting the claims of sick miners whose illnesses and injuries were not included in a previous compensation scheme.

Miners suffering from knee injuries, osteoarthritis and chronic lung disease from inhaling dust on the pit surface as opposed to underground were excluded from the previous compensation scheme, which allowed for settlements for exposure to asbestos, vibration white finger and other related illnesses suffered by underground workers. About 1,000 miners with knee injuries caused by prolonged periods of kneeling and walking long distances over uneven ground and carrying heavy loads have had their cases heard by Leeds county court. They are currently awaiting these cases to be transferred to the High Court in London.

The Government is contesting the claims and the legal bills are mounting as the cases await trial. Estimates are that the £5million figure will double by the time the cases are settled. The delays by the Government to settle these cases quickly could also mean that any new compensation schemes are likely to be complex, costing even more in legal fees.

Representatives for the miners feel that the Government has handled the situation badly and rather than spending millions on legal fees, the money would be better spent on giving out smaller compensation amounts to cover costs for breathing equipment needed by those withchronic lung disease , for example. The previous scheme compensated miners for injuries and illnesses caused by underground work, but did not include any resulting from surface occupations. The new battle for those excluded from the previous scheme has brought complaints that the only winners in the current legal battle are the lawyers, rather than the miners. The original scheme set up by the Department of Trade and Industry after it lost a test case in 1988 and has to date paid out £6.9billion. More than half of that amount has gone in legal costs rather than on compensation payments.

The Industrial Injury Advisory Council has recommended that 'Miner’s Knee' becomes a prescribed disease for miners working on the coalface and at the surface. Despite this recommendation and the mounting evidence for the long-term health effects ofchronic lung disease as the result of exposure to dust, the battle for compensation continues.

Specialist solicitors with experience of mining related injuries and illness claims are hoping that the Government will reach a deal with the thousands of miners still seeking compensation, but are preparing for a long, legal fight through the courts. If you feel that you are eligible for compensation as a result of illness or injury affected through a career in mining, then you should contact a specialist solicitor with experience in this field. They will also have access to expert medical witnesses who have made a study in the effects of exposure to hazardous conditions commonly found in mining, as well as experience in dealing with these cases. The intention is to includechronic lung disease, 'Miner's Knee' and osteoarthritis as eligible complaints that should be compensated alongside other conditions such as mesothelioma and Vibration White Finger. These cases are often complex and protracted, with expert testimony and detailed evidence of a direct link between cause and effect required to further a case towards compensation or settlement. In this instance, the services of an expert legal consultant experienced in this particular area are vital.

For further information, please visit

Making Your Blog Shine

Blogs are generally created from customizable templates. This is incredibly advantageous for blog owners as they can start from a format that displays consistently across multiple browsers and that is easy for them to personalize. Making your blog stand out requires you to customize your blog in a way that follows conventions, manages to innovate at the same time and that adheres to the basic principles of good web design.

Most blogs feature a header, which usually consists of an image and a logo which sits on the very top of the page. This should be a corporate or personal logo and needs to be formatted so that it downloads quickly. Most people are on broadband Internet connections these days and, if a site loads very slowly, they can be pretty certain it’s a design flaw. This screams incompetence and instantly makes the blog look amateurish. Make sure your graphics are small and fast loading.

The space on the side of your blog is a great place to advertise. You may either advertise through affiliate programs and place various company banners in that space or advertise your own products. Either way don't overdo it. Two to seven banners on the side of a blog is plenty. More than that tends to make the site look like a spam site and the flashing graphics can make reading the content unbearable for the reader.

Use good sense on your fonts. Remember that not everyone has the best screen or the best eyesight. A 10 to 12 point font is best. Black text on a white or light colored page is vastly preferable to any other design. White text on black is readable, but can be exhausting to the eyes after a while. Keep it simple. If you use multiple fonts, make sure they don’t clash. Keep point sizes fairly close, as well. For example, don’t make your headlines 24 point size and your entries 12 point. The difference is jarring to the eye.

If you include pictures in your blog, size them to display without stretching the width of the blog itself. An easy way to do this is to make a small version of the picture and link it to the full-size version. This also allows people to simply view the smaller version if they so wish.

Customize your blog, but make readability a priority above design!

Have a blog, but struggling for traffic? In my” > “Fast Blog Traffic Report” I reveal some proven, seldom revealed in public kind of techniques to driving massive traffic to any blog.

Benefits and usage of Mylar Films

Mylar films are Biaxial Oriented polyester films, Mylar is their trade name. These are thin plastic films. They are chemically and dimensionally stable and transparent plastic like films. Mylar film has great tensile strength which is an intensive property of any material and is the measure of the total pull required to tear that material apart. NASA was the first organization to use Mylar films in the design of their Echo satellites.

Usage of Mylar films in various fields: -

1. It is highly resistible to heat which makes it suitable to be used on food that are being kept in microwave ovens or are roasted.
2. Many of the dairy products use white Mylar for packing different products.
3. Many sweet dishes use Mylar films for making glossy matte that is used as an attractive surface.
4. The coating of Mylar films on food material prevents food from oxidizing.
5. These are used in cloths and books to give shinny surface.
6. They are used for preventing maps from damage when drawing is performed.
7. Many badges companies use Mylar films as a protective layer.
8. The layer on Mylar films protects books from changing environment conditions.
9. These are also used in storing medical reports for long time.
10. These films are used in kite making.
11. Mylar films also protect glass from wear n tear.
12. Lights of indoor gardening are being covered by Mylar films.
13. As these films reflect back the heat, these are used to cover walls from inside in cold countries.
14. Mylar films are also used in fire shelters.

Benefits of using Mylar films: -

1. Cellophane which was previously used has been replaced by Mylar films as it is very strong.
2. These have great chemical stability and resistance for x-rays.
3. Liquid content or any powder can be stored in these films.
4. The thickness does not vary point to point.
5. Contamination does not happen in Mylar films.
6. Ionizing radiations cannot affect Mylar films.

Mylar films are proved to be environment friendly. It is non – toxic, don’t have heavy metals and don’t have plasticizers. This is the main reason that there use has been increased so much. Mylar films are replacing heavy films as these are very light. These films can also be recycled. At this timeit is impossible to ignore the use of these films. These films are available in different types and finishes. There roughness and smoothness can be increased or decreased by adding different inorganic materials and chemicals.

Thailand Investment Property: A Revolution To Save Big Dollars

Thailand is a country of southeastern Asia that extends southward along the Isthmus of Kra to the Malay Peninsula. The capital and largest city of Thailand is Bangkok. It is also the country's center of political, commercial, industrial and cultural activities. Bangkok is known in Thai as "Krung Thep Mahanakorn," or, more colloquially, "Krung Thep" with and estimated population of 63,038,247 covering the geographical area of about 513,115 km.

Thai culture has always been greatly influenced by China and India giving an exotic blend for which The Kingdom of Thailand has become famous. Thailand property is fast becoming the desire of overseas property buyers is accessible, affordable and a great place to buy property abroad. Buyers in Thailand tend to be mostly investors who are looking to cash in on the booming tourist industry however with increasing demand this is set to change.

There are some restrictions on the area, for example foreigners are not allowed to own the land in Thailand, and they may only own the building on such land. Another restriction is found on freehold condominium where only 49% of the development can be sold to foreign buyers.

The process of buying in Thailand can be complicated, but with good research, advice and an English-speaking lawyer, most of these complications can be avoided.

If you are planning on buying land, or a villa then you will be required to setup a Thai company which will cost around 1,000 and will also have on going fees of around 50 per month.

Once you've found the property you want, the agent will prepare a purchase agreement that will detail price, terms and conditions, settlement date etc. In most cases a 10% deposit will be required to secure the property (in most cases this is refundable should the sale not go through, as long as it was not your fault).

From January 2009 there was an increase in the properties rates in Thailand. Usually the properties are purchased by foreign investors are high compared to local investors. Properties in Thailand are consistently popular with overseas buyers their main regions of interest are: Amnat Charoen, Ang Thong, Bangkok Metropolitan Area, Buri Ram, Chachoengsao, Chai Nat, Chaiyaphum, Chanthaburi, Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Chon Buri, Chumphon, Kalasin, Kamphaeng Phet, Kanchanaburi, Khon Kaen, Krabi, Lampang, Lamphun, Loei, Lop Buri, Mae Hong Son, Maha Sarakham, Mukdahan, Nakhon Nayok, Nakhon Pathom, Nakhon Phanom, Nakhon Ratchasima, Nakhon Sawan, Nakhon Si Thammarat, Nan, Narathiwat, Nong Bua Lam Phu, Nong Khai, Nonthaburi, Pathum Thani, Pattani, Phangnga, Phatthalung, Phayao, Phetchabun, Phetchaburi, Phichit, Phitsanulok, Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya, Phrae, Phuket, Prachin Buri, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Ratchaburi, Rayong, Roi Et, Sa Kaeo, Sakon Nakhon, Samut Prakan, Samut Sakhon, Samut Songkhran, Saraburi, Satun, Si Sa Ket, Sing Buri, Songkhla, Sukhothai, Suphan Buri, Surat Thani, Surin, Tak, Trang, Trat, Ubon Ratchathani, Udon Thani, Uthai Thani, Uttaradit, YasothonSatun, Ratchaburi, Tak, Krabi, Phangnga, Nonthaburi, Chanthaburi, Sakon Nakhon, Chumphon, Phatthalung. There are many reasons for people opting to buy a property in these areas.

Mortgages in Thailand have always been notably impossible to get and have put many buyers off. Recently though a new branch of the Bangkok Bank has opened in Singapore, which has opened up borrowing possibilities. You should expect to get no more than 50% in finance, with the exception to some well-known developments where finance of nearer 70% is available.

Using Affiliate Programs For Work At Home Businesses

Not many people are savvy to the exiting world of affiliate marketing and though many may have heard some form of advertising for the basic concept they do not represent the full potential. Many work at home businesses take full advantage of affiliate programs and anyone looking to work from home should take notice. The positives of using affiliates programs for home business are great and would be well worthy of research.

The basic premise of affiliate programs is that companies allow anyone to sign up for their program. Those who sign up are then a sales representative for the business. There are no resumes needed as this is not employment but rather a independent contracting of sorts. Affiliate programs will more or less take anyone and the object is a numbers game. The company who has the affiliate program in place has nothing to lose, some will be great affiliates and many will do nothing. By accepting all the affiliates the company is able to create sales and grow the business without any costs such as salaries, benefits and work space.

Affiliates are always paid for commissions on sales and these vary depending on the products or services.
Work at home businesses can use affiliate programs to bring in extra income or revolve the entire business on the affiliate model as many do online. The major advantages for the business owner is that no products need to be purchased and maintained. This alone provides a very low risk investment and many different affiliate programs and merchants may be used. By diversifying through different programs a business person can build a business selling multiple related products that customers may like. One has the ability to constantly keep up with changes in the market and explore money making ideas without costs or risks.

There have been advertisements over recent years claiming to join a web site start up business or their brand of work at home businesses. These companies supply a web site and you must sell the products which they provide only. These programs come with extra costs and fees and are not how true affiliate marketers make income through the Internet from home. The affiliates who do best created tight themes for web sites and blogs and provide links to merchants products from different affiliate programs which they feel their visitors may want to purchase.

Many affiliates who work in this way make very good income from their work at home businesses and tens of thousands of dollars per month is common. Mix in the low risks and practically zero overhead costs and this is a great opportunity which anyone can start in an evening. The idea is to draw targeted traffic from the Internet to the site or blog and provide information on the theme. Then try to mix in products and ads to the visitors from different affiliate programs. Every time a visitor makes a purchase a commission will be paid out. Buildingtargeted traffic which gets sales is the challenge of any affiliate marketer.

Affiliate programs can also by used by small business as a way to generate more sales and grow a business without extra costs. If a small company makes scented candles and sells them online from their online web site store it would make sense to offer commissions to affiliate marketers. By creating and promoting anaffiliate program online these marketers can sign up and try to generate sales. Now the small business can grow quickly without any extra time or work If one hundred affiliates sign up for the program the business has 100 new sales people selling the products. In a sense the business has the potential to grow 100 times without any extra costs or overhead.

Affiliate programs provide great opportunity for work at home businesses. Anyone can come up with a site idea or online marketing plan and use affiliate programs as the source to create income online. Small businesses can create affiliate programs and have affiliate marketers signing up to grow their business without any extra costs. Affiliate programs provide great opportunity for both parties involved, the affiliate marketer and thesmall business providing the affiliate program.

Maximizing Your Sales Function

Managing the Sales Team

Set the Sales Targets & KPI's. Set the periodic sales targets for individuals, teams and the company. These could be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, half year and annual. They should be stretchtargets but achievable. Not too easy not too hard.

Autonomy. Having interviewed many sales people, the most common frustration they have is being micro-managed. Below I outline how to approach internal sales meetings which are pivotal to getting the most out of the sales function. Beyond that, let them have ownership and accountability of their sales area. Be there to support and guide but don't get in their way.

Understand the Motivation behind Sales People. Sales people are typically very driven and singularly focused individuals. They get a massive kick out of the "thrill of the chase" and "closing the deal". They are generally motivated by sales turnover and their earning capacity including commission. Understand this in motivating and driving them.

Pay Structure. This would be the number 2 frustration of sales people. Agree on their base pay, superannuation, benefits, bonus scheme or commission structure at the start. Then measure, monitor and make good on all of these to the letter. Make sure payments are on time within predetermined lead times. If you can't explain the bonus or commission structure in a few minutes on 1 page, revisit the basis of calculation. This is absolutely critical.

Let Them Sell. Sales people are there to sell. Don't burden them with financial or administrative tasks unless they are Sales Managers leading a team. Outside of the internal salesmeetings which are critical, let them do what you employed them to do.

Weekly Sales Meetings. Weekly Sales Meetings should be laser focused, short, sharp and direct. Use an agenda. No waffle. Discuss current leads, open order status, business development opportunities and other current prospect/customer status. If weekly sales data is available, report it quickly against pro-rata budget. Keep product, training and HR/admin issues for the Monthly Sales Meeting. A good productive meeting may only run for 20 minutes or less.
Monthly Sales Meetings. Monthly Sales Meetings include a review of prior month's individual, team and group sales performance against budget targets. Use an agenda. A monthly spreadsheet detailing sales turnover and key performance indicators against budget should be tabled and analysed. Report the news. Relevant product/service updates, training and general business administration issues should also be tabled. Commissions and other performance criteria should be reviewed and resultant follow up actions noted.

Quarterly Sales Meetings. Quarterly Sales Meetings are to review the prior quarter's performance at an individual, team and group level. Break your year into four quarters and report Q1, Q2, Q3 & Q4 results. They should be quantitative and qualitative. Customer data and feedback should be included as well assales team needs and gap analysis. This may also include marketing and business development initiatives. What went well and what went badly in the prior quarter? What can we do in the next quarter to be even better?
Annual Sales Meeting. This is the big macro review to conduct each year. This includes a full detailed review of prior year. It includes setting or tabling of the following financial year's salestargets and marketing plans. This meeting is often done off site with a structured agenda.

In-Person Communication. Define your expectations in regard to personal grooming and dress code for client meetings. Have a consistency and professionalism in the way you present your sales force in person.

Email Communication. Review your email etiquette. I recommend a standard greeting and close. Ensure a consistent e-signature is used on all email correspondence. Advise the team what "should and shouldn't be said" in emails. The casualness and ignorance surrounding email communication can pose a genuine business risk. Work on minimising this risk.

Written Communication. Develop a solid knowledge bank of standard letters and proposal/sales precedents. This not only creates consistency and best practice but delivers massive sales productivity gains.

Phone Communication. Appraise your telephone communication. Who answers the phone and in how many rings? How often do you need to transfer calls? What does the customer hear on hold? What's your standard greeting? How friendly and helpful are staff in taking calls? If your answers to these questions aren't solid, hold an internal session on telephone communication.


Marketing Materials. Have hard-copy and soft-copy versions easily available to the sales team so that they can quickly prepare correspondence and get back to prospects and customers. Examples include product/service brochures, product specifications, samples, FAQ sheets and quote/proposal templates.

Customer Feedback. Develop systems and processes for capturing customer feedback and report this in your internal sales meetings.

Customer & Prospect Response Times. Have clear expected response times to customers. How quickly do you respond to prospect enquiry or customer contact? Educate staff on these maximum response times and advise your customers. Measure and manage expectations.

Sales Process. Is your business' sales process clearly documented, understood and followed by the sales team? Do you effectively educate your customers on that process and manage their expectations?

Back Office Support

Payment of Variable Sales Remuneration. Have strong systems in place to ensure that sales people are paid their bonuses, commissions and benefits accurately and on time. This is key for maintaining morale and motivation within the sales team.

Sales Administration. Ensure the back office delivers on what the sales team have promised. Implement systems to process purchase orders and invoicing on time. A shabby back office can quickly damage your reputation and sales channel.

Debt Collection. Make sure the appropriate person makes contact with customers regarding collection. Draft a collection process so that everyone knows the steps involved. Keep thesales team in the loop and always "ask questions first" when in doubt before making customer contact.

Darren Bourke, Business Influence, 2008. You are welcome to “reprint” this article online as long as it remains complete (including the “about the author” information at the end).

Paid Surveys are a great Work from Home Opportunity to make some Easy Extra Money.

Corporations all over the world spend billions of dollars on survey research to find out what people think about their products and services. Survey research companies need you to take these surveys and offer cash and rewards as an incentive. Paid surveys are a great way to make extra cash. To register with these companies it’s 100% free and after you join them, you will get instant access to a list of survey companies that want to reward you for participating in their online surveys!
The best part is that you can take paid surveys right from the comfort of your own home on your computer anytime day or night. You can make a handsome living just for giving my honest opinion on consumer issues. Paid surveys are fun and easy! And the best part is you get paid for your opinions. It doesn't matter where you live, who you are or what your background is. If you are a consumer, your opinion counts and you qualify totake paid surveys. Everyone is welcome.
Paid Surveys are a great work from home opportunity to make some extra money in your spare time. Internet surveys are fun. At the same time, you help in the development of new products. Market research companies are interested in knowing your opinion on various matters on behalf of their clients. They are willing to pay you for the time you spend for them. Most of the reputable paid survey sites are online divisions of market research companies. They are all free to join and give rewards ranging from $1 to $100 or more per survey completed. Some paid survey sites enter you into sweepstakes where you can earn more money. Others may reward you with points which can be later redeemed for cash.
Filling out paid surveys can’t help you make $500 an hour (like some scam sites claim) but rather provide a great way of making some extra cash each month. By spending around 15 - 20 minutes per day and filling out surveys one can easily make around $250 each month. Paid Surveys can provide an excellent way of generating some extra cash in your spare time. Knowing which sites to join however can be a problem, so I have written reviews of the best free to join Paid Survey Sites for both US and International users.
Make sure to visit my site if you want to start to make money online now. The best thing about this opportunity is that you can grow your checks exponentially.
So instead of getting a steady $300-400 every month, you can get $1,200-$1,600 easily if not more.

Sunil S. is a successful Corporate America professional turned Internet Entrepreneur. He generates income online from 6 different revenue streams including Google Adsense, affiliate and referral marketing, vendor ads, e-products and paid online surveys. His expertise is focused on entrepreneurship and small business and he often preaches taking your passion online and turning it into a solid paying business no matter what that passion is.

Learn How to do Paid Surveys and generate an Extra Income of $1600 every Month.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Berburu 100 Backlink Gratis PR5 Hingga PR9

Backlink adalah salah satu bagian terpenting dalam dunia SEO (Search Engine Optimatization). Selain berfungsi memperkuat posisi blog atau website kita di search engine, backlink juga sangat membantu dalam mendapatkan Page Rank (PR) Google, dan juga trafik.

Backlink yang bisa memberi pengaruh lebih besar peranannya terhadap blog atau website kita biasanya adalah backlink dari situs web yang memiliki PR yang tinggi. Apalagi jika backlink ini bersifat satu arah (onewaylink).

One way link artinya situs tersebut yang memberi link masuk ke web/blog kita tanpa kita perlu me-link balik situs tersebut.

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Semoga bermanfaat!

What are the Benefits of Article Marketing?

Articles are one of the more effective tools you can use to market your business. First off they are free to post on many directories, people do read them, and the increase your credibility as a professional. The number on factor to getting the most out of an article is writing a good, informative, article. If your article is a sales pitch, you are not promoting your website, you are just attempting to get a sale.

Here are a few benefits to article marketing:

Credibility - The more information you provide to the readers of your articles the more they trust you. As your readers trust you they begin to treat you as the expert in your field. This will build a personal and business reputation for you. It also buildsyour business brand. The fact is that as people begin to trust you personally they will also trust your recommendations and products.

Increase Inbound Links " Professional SEOs use article marketing to increase the relative one way links to your site. This is like food for the search engines. The resource box at the end of your article contains your information and a link to your site. To publish your article, the resource box has to be left intact. Other webmasters pick articles to publish on their website, and when they do this they also end up linking to your site with the resource box.

Better Search Engine Positions - As you start to build one way links from webmasters pulishing your article, you increase your search engine ranking. The only important thing here is to make sure your resource box link contains anchor text equal to the key words you want to rank for.

The proof that your article was published:

I just have to say that only a well written informative article will reap the benefits of article marketing. You can easily see proof of your marketing by putting the title of you article in double quotes in the search engines and see how many times it has been published. Make sure you wait about 1-2 months to do this to see the full effect.

It doesn't take long to see the viral marketing effects of your article if it is written correctly. Many webmasters use articles as content for their sites.

If you hire a professional SEO they will provide a report of article submissions. These services will allow you to either submit one article, or use a monthly subscription fee to submit more articles. Dont letyour business go unnoticed for one more day!Thomas is an author and SEO expert. He teaches effective article marketing strategies with unique content articles. Now you can use this automatic article distribution service to post your articles. Visit What are the Benefits of Article Marketing?.

Making money with Domain Name Parking

Do you wish to set up an online business to earn an additional income? If so, have you thought about getting involved in domain name parking? Today more and more people are finding that this is one of the simplest ways of getting involved in the world of online businesses and so earn an additional income. But just what is needed for one to do domain name parking? In this article we look at some of the things involved when it comes to this form of online business.

1. Firstly you need to know just what of the domains available the ones you should be parking is. Spend time watch items on the internet that are new and which are proving to be very popular and if you can before anyone else does purchase the .com name that relates to it.

After you have purchased it then park it and allow it to start earning you an income. You may well find only a short time after purchasing it someone is willing to buy it from you at a price that is above what you initially brought it for. If you really do want to see an income coming in from your parked domains then it is worth putting some advertisements or affiliate marketing ads or banners on to its landing page. These are a sure fire way of earning even a small income from a domain that you are not actually doing anything with.

2. When it comes to the purchasing or reserving of domain names you should never wait too long before you do. If you wait too long then someone else is likely to beat you to it and then use it for their own purposes to make an income online from it. Then when you do finally decide that this is the domain you want you may find yourself having to purchase it for a much higher price than you would have initially.

3. Although you need to purchase domains quickly you still should spend some time looking at them to see if they are going to be profitable for you or not. If you are unwilling to dedicate time, effort and money into registering and then building up domains, domain name parking is not the kind of online business for you. Although some people now use the services of companies who will manage them for them, but to do so expect a percentage of the profits made from them for their services.

However you need to be wary if you are considering going down this particular route. Some of these companies who wish you to sign up with them offer a number of incentives such as registering the domain names for you cheaply. So take your time and look closely at what each of these companies have to offer.

4. There are numerous domain name parking options for you to select from and if you are having difficulties with choosing a domain name that is appropriate there are companies that can help you with this. They will look for names that are similar to those that are popular and which means that you then have the opportunity to cash in on them and earn an income even though you have parked yours.

Above we have shown you some of the things that with regard to domain name parking that you may find useful. If you want to know more about this particular online industry there are plenty of places online that can assist you. However, it is important that you are willing to dedicate time and effort to finding the most suitable names before purchasing if you really want to succeed and so earn an income from this form of online business in the future.Thomas is an author of many articles that could be found at If you want a website you should find an affordable web hosting service. Read more web hosting related articles.

Wordpress - Blogging

Wordpress is one of the many options available to bloggers who are looking for free software online which makes it incredibly easy to publish their own blog. This software is easy to use, provides a variety of templates and offer excellent support to bloggers. There are many options available to bloggers and other blogging programs may be better known and offer slightly different features but many bloggers are quite pleased withWordpress. This article will offer some useful information for bloggers who are considering starting a blog with Wordpress such as reasons to choose Wordpress, tips on starting a blog and information about the support offered by Wordpress. Based on this information as well as their own research bloggers can decide whether Wordpress is right for them or whether they should seek out a different blog network.

Reasons to Choose Wordpress

There are many great reasons to choose Wordpress to start a blog. Some of these reasons include a great variety of templates, the ability to categorize and tag posts easily, features such as spell check, previews and autosave, the ability to post text, audio files and video files, a variety of privacy options and the ability to track statistical data related to the blog in addition to other great features. Some of these features may be more important to some bloggers than others so deciding whether or notWordpress is right for you will largely be a matter of personal preference. For example bloggers with little or no programming experience may enjoy the myriad of templates available onWordpress while bloggers who are concerned about privacy issues may be more interested in the privacy options available through Wordpress. Carefully investigating these features will help bloggers determine if they should start a blog with Wordpress.

Starting a Blog with Wordpress

Bloggers who opt to start a blog with Wordpress will certainly not be disappointed by the amount of time it takes to start a blog. A blogger can literally start a blog with Wordpress within minutes. This is tremendously important to bloggers who are eager to get started and do not want to deal with a long process tostart a blog. The only requirements for starting a blog are a valid email address and a username. The blogger enters this information into the signup page and receives a password almost instantly. Next the blogger simply has to check his email, follow the activation link provided and use the password provided and the process is complete. The blogger can start blogging immediately.

Support Offered by Wordpress

For many first time bloggers the type of support offered is very important. This is because first time bloggers may have quite a few questions about the process of starting a basic blog and once they establish a basic blog they may have additional questions about using advanced features and customizing the blog. Wordpress offers a great deal of support for bloggers of all skill levels. The support offered by Wordpress includes the ability to contact the support staff as well as the ability to receive support from other members through online forums. Although the support staff is incredibly responsive some bloggers enjoy the ability to communicate with other bloggers in forums. This is because the forums are active 24 hours a day and bloggers can find support from peers at any time.

Generate Money Through Google Adsense And Internet

Be that as it may, let me turn to what a few website owners faced while trying to claim a pie of Google Adsense earnings. And the 10th dumbest thing NOT to do with Google AdSense is to let the other nine things stop you from running an honest site that’s designed to make the most out of this very profitable opportunity that Google offers. Implementing and maintaining Google
AdSense program on a content site requires very little effort and can often bring a steady stream of additional revenue for webmasters.

- If you happen to be an affiliate who owns a website, you’ll learn how to maximize the money you get for ads placed on your site (Product) Red for Google Adsense would be a great tool. Specifically, Google will display these AdSense ads on your site to match how they perceive the contents of your Google Adsense. The advertisers pay google for every click on their ads and an adsense- participating webmaster gets a portion of this revenue, when the clicking is done on his/her website.

If you don’t, won’t or can’t do that, get a blog, post your code and make money through your google adsense account. Ad Center also allows advertisers to run their ads on specific days of the week, and even on certain times of day, a feature Google Adsense only adopted recently. For more details Keep updating your website, keep marketing the site, and you will soon see Google AdSense Profits. Well, technically, someone could make some money off of 100 visitors a day, but what good does 100 visitors a day do you when it comes to generating money through your Google Adsense ads.

Sign up with Google AdSense or another contextual advertising company, and let them place their ads on your pages. Most of this site solely exists to generate ad revenue from Google’s Adsense program, or affiliate relationships. These get spider by Google bots, and so long as you leave a link back to your page, people will be able to find your page easily and your adsense revenue will go up. Google AdSense is a way for webmasters to generate income from their sites by displaying text or image advertisements from companies participating in the Google Ad Words program.

Besides placing advertiser’s ads on your Blog, you can also make money Blogging by placing Google Adsense into your Blog. The Adsense Decoded site even says that this is not something that Google has made any official statement about. Yeah, everyone is in rush and attracted to Google Adsense. For more details Before you can understand why Google AdSense is so important to content sites, it’s important to know how AdSense works Google has recently added a new type of Adsense format, called Ad links. Much of the complaints about Google Adsense were related to their so called "unfair" banning of many publishers for click fraud, which to them can mean anything from clicking on your own ad unit, to spamming, to almost anything that violating the program's terms of service. Note that Google Ad words enable you to get paid for advertising and Google Adsense is when you will have to pay for advertising.

Troubled teen programs-Making the choice

Having a troubled teen in the house can be really frustrating for the family. There is nothing more nerve wrecking than an abusive, angry and rebellious teenager that throws tantrums back at his parents. Are you desperately seeking for a solution to the problem? Despair not because the solution surely exists and it is just a matter of you reaching out to the right source.

Both parents and the troubled youth stand in need of expert guidance in such circumstances. Luckily they have that help available to them round the clock as there are many such organizations that are extending their professional services to help the troubled youth of today and their families. The object of such organizations is to get the family back together based on love, sympathy and mutual cooperation.

Your troubled teen can really benefit from the various troubled teen boarding school that have been specially formulated for the youth in such conditions. These programs aim to provide the right kind of environment and guidance to the troubled youth himself while equipping the family with the necessary understanding of the psychology of children in such a situation. The programs cater to take into account each and every aspect that can lead towards a positive change in the concerned individual.

Determining the condition of your teenage trouble maker

Since there are a wide variety of troubled teen programs based on different criteria it is required for the parents to gauge the particular condition of their trouble maker before choosing one of the programs. There are simple tests and questionnaires that have been prepared for parents looking to determine the schooling requirements of their troubled children. By honestly completing these questionnaires parents can determine where their child stands and the kind of help he requires.

The next step is to look into the various behavior modification programs options that are available to parents. You will be able to get a great deal of online help as well because getting your child enrolled in a troubled teen program is not an easy decision. As it is there is a lot of social pressure upon the parents as well as the child along with which there are other issues like finances.

Looking for a low cost solution?

It is but natural for every parent to want to extend the maximum assistance they can to help their troubled youth get out of the Dark Age. At times however it is the financial status of parents that greatly restricts the amount of help they can extend to their child. If however you find that you cannot afford to make your troubled child undergo a residential treatment program because of lack of funds then you have another low cost alternative in the form of a personalized program.

There are a plethora of options for parents looking to get help for their troubled youth. It is therefore recommended that parents take the time out to explore the various options and compare them to their child’s requirements as well as their own standings in order to opt for something that is viable by all means.

Learn to Embrace your Spiritual Growth

Facing up to the task of spiritual growth in a world governed by greed and power is daunting at best. Modern conveniences and technology such as television, magazines and the internet have turned us into techno junkies with little considerations beyond our physical needs and wants. We have reached a point where our concept of self-worth and self-meaning are confused. Many of us are seeking to find a balance in our lives where our spiritual andphysical selves are both satisfied.

To grow spiritually, you need to analyze yourself from the inside. That is, you need to understand what makes you tick. Reflect on your feelings, thoughts, beliefs, and your motivation. By examining your decisions, relationships, and experiences, you are able to map your life’s goals and aspirations. You are able to ascertain what your good traits are and sustain them whilst discarding your bad traits that are holding you back.

You also learn alternative ways to act or react in any situation. Introspection can be learned as long as you have the mettle to seek out the truths that lie within you. This in itself can often be confronting. However, part of learning to grow spiritually is by being objective in your analysis of self. The objective is to forgive yourself and focus on areas for improvement.

To grow spiritually is to develop your potential. The views about matters of human spirit differ quite markedly between science and religions. Religion sees the human being as being a temporary resident of the earth where science sees the spirit as only one facet of the individual.

In both Western and Eastern religious teachings, the needs of the spirit are recognized before the needs of the physical self. They believe that beliefs, morality, values and good deeds are what ensure the growth of the spiritual self.

In science Maslow’s hierarchy of needs identifies things such as physiological needs, security, and sense of belonging, self esteem, and otherphysical needs as being more urgent than that of spiritual need. However, the belief of self actualization would indicate that the spiritual needs are indeed important. Realistically, all of these requirements lead to the total development of the individual.

To grow spiritually is to search for meaning. Religions that believe in the reality of God such as Christianity, Judaism, and Islam believe that the function of the human life is to serve the Creator of all things. Several assumptions in psychology suggest that we ultimately give meaning to our lives. Whether we believe that life’s meaning is pre-determined or self-directed, to grow in spirit is to realize that we do not merely exist.

When we are born, we have no idea of the meaning of our life but, as we progress of life’s journey, we learn through our relationships with other people and situations we encounter. As we learn this meaning, we affirm and reject certain beliefs and values. Our lives have purpose that puts all of our physical, intellectual, and emotional abilities to use. These traits are what sustain us during the bad times and allows us a goal to achieve. A person who has no meaning or purpose to their life is like a ship drifting aimlessly at sea.

One of the core components of spiritual growth is to recognize the importance of interconnectedness. No matter what the religion, they speak of our connectedness to creation, both live and inanimate. Deity centeredreligions also recognize a relationship between humans and a higher being.

Science, on the other hand, sees our link as being through the theory of evolution. This relationship between living and non living things is seen in the concept of ecology. In psychology, interconnectedness is recognized as a characteristic of self actualization or self transcendence which is the highest human need.

By the recognition of your connectedness to all things, you learn humility and respect toward all things in nature. You learn appreciation of everything around you and you begin to move out of your comfort zone and reach out to others.

Growth is a process thus to grow in spirit is a day-to-day encounter. We win some, we lose some, but the important thing is that we learn, and from this knowledge, furtherspiritual growth is made possible.

Feel free to visit Anne's websites at and